Monday, July 7, 2008

New Norm?

You've heard of that before, right? Finding your new norm after a big change has occured in your life. Well, having baby #4 was the biggest change I think I've experienced since getting married and having my first child! To be really honest, it actually felt like a crazy fast curve ball that I wasn't quite ready for. :-) I guess there really wasn't anything anybody could have said or done to really and truly prepare me for the changes that have occured in our family. Don't get me wrong, these are great changes, they can just get a bit overwhelming at times right now. My sweet and very wise mother keeps encouraging me that this is just one of many stages and that it is one of the busiest busiest and/or physically taxing ones for sure...since ALL 4 of them still need me to do so many things for them. I know one day when they are grown I'm going to look back on these days/years and wish for a few more cuddle moments and sweet kisses and hugs from little ones so I'm doing my best to cherish each moment I have with them! As far as the new norm? It's sinking in (actually the Holy Spirit so kindly reminds me) that I just need to accept the fact that I'm gonna wash at least 7 loads of laundry each week, cook and grocery shop for what feels like a small army, never have a quite home again until their grown (possibly out of the house and maybe not then either cause I'll start having grandchildren I pray), not be able to shop for extreme bargains as much as I used too (bummer! Lord's just gonna have to lead me to 'em!), clean house all the time and still have more to clean, and have to let go and let God do a whole lot of things that I would like to think I can do on my own but really can't! So here's to staying in God's Word daily, having a Girl's Night Out every once in a while, and many more dates with my hubby to help me keep sane, energized and excited about being the wife and mother God created me to the midst of a Brand New Norm!


Elaine said...

Great perspective. I felt quite overwhelmed with 3 under the age of 5 so I can only imagine what your days must be like. I enjoy your attitude of enjoying and living in the moment.

jill said... know you amaze me more than words can say. I will say you hold yourself together very well. I pray that I can handle 2. Anything at this point to keep you sane is exactly what you need!

Linsey said...

You definately have your hands FULL! Hang in there and thanks for sharing that.

Lori said...

I want a mom's night out too!! I miss seeing you. We need to try to get together.