Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Big Boy Bed #3!

It's true, like it or not, our sweet 'baby' Cade is growing up and is not much of a baby any more! He will be 2 (I can hardly even believe that!) in August but I have to admit, we still sometimes call him 'baby Cade'. Even harder to believe, Cohen is already 11 1/2 weeks old and has almost outgrown his little bassinet (I posted about that last week). I thought he would be able to stay in it until he was about 5 months old but there is no way! We'll be lucky, I should say blessed, if we can leave him in it until he is 4 months old. When he does finally outgrow it, he is going to move into Cade's room with him, therefore making it Cade and Cohen's room. Cade is very excited about getting to share his room with Cohen, I'm sure because his big brothers Corbin and Callen already share a room and he kinda feels left out sometimes when they are all going to bed. Not much longer and he will have company! We had decided that it would be best to start Cade's transition a month or so before moving Cohen into their room though so that he would not feel as if Cohen was 'stealing' his bed or kicking him out of it.

So, this last Thursday I went to Wal-mart and bought him a toddler bed so we could begin to transition him from the crib to the big boy bed. We made it quite the big deal when I got it home and carried it in the house. He was already so very excited...I kinda wonder if he really knew what was about to occur. :-) That night we put it together, me and all my little helpers! Would you believe that an expensive cherry wood sleigh crib and an inexspensive cherry wood sleigh toddler bed look as if they were made by the same people and meant to go together?! I could hardly believe it and we were all very excited. We had to rearange the room a bit to make everything fit but we figured it out and it looks great! He LOVES his new bed and so do his big brothers...they are so proud of him in his big boy bed. He slept in his new bed that night and has slept ALL NIGHT long all but one night since then! He is doing so well. Naptime is a little tricky since he can get out of bed on his own now but when he gets sleepy enough, he crashed anywhere!

Here are some pics we took that night so we can cherish this milestone in his sweet little life!


Matt, Andrea, Luke and Halle said...

kara, i love your blog! fun seeing your sweet family. take care.

Kelly Ann said...

Hey Kara! I'm glad I finally found your blog! I can't believe Cade will be 2...man, time flies! Your sons are beautiful and you are so inspirational to me as a mom.