Friday, July 18, 2008

I LOVE Magic Erasors!!!!

So I just have to share my exciting morning I had! We moved Cade into a toddler bed (I'll write about and post pics of that soon!) last night. This morning all 3 older boys wanted to sit on his new bed, just talking about how cool it was that Cade was a big boy now and giggling away at each other! It was quite cute of course. I was sitting on the floor next to the bed watching them and having fun with them when I started looking at the empty crib across the room from us (the mattress that was in it is a two sided crib/toddler mattress so we moved that into the toddler bed for Cade).

I was being a normal (crazy!) mom, feeling guilty that Cohen has to sleep in the same crib all the other boys used...not because it is not a nice crib (it actually is from a furniture store and was a bit pricy), but because it has gotten paint scratches from their toys all over the front of it over the past 5 years. I was just kinda wishing that he has a newer looking crib to use for the next couple of years but new I was NOT going to go buy a new one!

Then it hit me...why in the world have I not tried a Magic Erasor on that bed???? I use those for everything that I can't get off with a normal rag and cleaner! I buy them buy the box of four and when I am using the next to last one I buy another box so I will not run out and not have one for a disaster that may occur, wait...will occur! :-) Seriously, there are four little boys in this house, you know I need those things quite often! But for some crazy reason I had not thought to try one to get those paint marks off.

Soooooo, drum role took off EVERY DAD GUM MARK on that sweet little crib!!!! I think I almost threw a party I was so excited. Then, after all the paint marks were off, I started to notice the little scratches and dents in the actual wood/stain of the crib. So I got out my Old English Scratch cover and went to town on it. OH MY GOODNESS!!! The crib just almost looks brand new and I can hardly wait to get his new bedding (which a friend of mine is making for him) and mattress in there and take pictures of it to post. He probably won't start sleeping in it for about another month or so but at least it is almost ready for him.

I just LOVE that God cares about the little things in life! He knew I really wanted that crib to have a face lift and He knew my brain was failing me so He so kindly reminded me (and I'm not joking or kidding around here...I truly do believe that it was Him that reminded me!) of one of my favorite things I have...the Magic Erasor!

Lastly, if you've never tried one...GO GET'll love it! :-)

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