Saturday, June 28, 2008

1 Passy, 4 Fingers...and a Thumb?

Well, we don't really know yet, it's still too early, but we may have a thumb sucker on our hands! I started noticing that he was trying to find his hands at about a month old and wondered if he would find his two fingers like Callen and Cade did (Corbin was attatched to a passy for 2 years). Problem he keeps running into is that he can't quite figure out how to get those sweet little fingers out of a fist in order to suck on them. Then it happened. Two times, only a couple of days apart, he found his thumb...and sucked the livin' fire out of that thing! And went to sleep I might add! So who knows? He doesn't seem to like the passy much still, but he isn't finding that thumb much consistantly yet either. So, I'll have to keep you posted. For now, enjoy the pics below showing how he worked so hard at finding it one day while his Great Grandmother (MiMi) heald him.

Trying so hard to find it!

There's a small taste...

but couldn't quite keep it in there!


Almost only took about a minute and a half after finding it. :-)

1 comment:

dee Clayton said...

This is too cute- He is working so hard !!!