Friday, June 5, 2009

3 down and 1 to go!!!

It's official, Cade potty trained himself last Monday...truly almost all by himself. All morning long he kept coming to me completely naked...well, he'd have a shirt on but no shorts or diaper. So I would ask him why he was naked and he would tell me he had to go peepee in the potty. I would tell him "good job!" and then put his diaper back on him and no longer than 30 minutes later here he would come again, naked jaybird bobo bottom...that's what we call it in our house when we want to be funny. I'm kinda slow to realize what's going on sometimes and by about noon that day it finally struck me that he had not peed one drop in that diaper he had had on all morning so I asked him "would you like to put on big boy underwear?" Of course he said YES and the rest is just history! He has had only 4 very small accidents in over a week and a 1/2 and also wakes up dry most mornings as well. We could not be more proud of him considering he is still 3 months out from turning 3! He is our earliest potty trainer to date!...and I love it! If I didn't think it was inapropriate I'd take a pic of him in his fun undies and show y'all but that's not gonna happen, you'll just have to come on over if you really want to see! :-)


Jill said...

Yea for you!! That's so awesome girl! It kinda makes sense though since he LOVES to be like Corbin and Callen. Why wouldn't he go ahead and potty train himself? Way to go Cade!

Matt and Meredith said...

Lucky Dog! I want to be jealous but I won't because God wouldn't want me to! : ) Merrae is close but it seems it has taken longer....probably since we've had so much transition in our lives with the move and Matthis coming into our world. Matt and I just had a talk and we are going to try a new tactic starting Monday. : ) We'll see what happens.

dee Clayton said...

Way to go Cade !!! and yay for you Kara-- Makes things alot... easier