Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My first ALL nighter in years!

So a few weeks ago I was preparing to do a garage sale the next day with a friend when Cade started getting fussy that night. He had been asleep for a bit so I thought maybe he was having a bad dream or something. He screamed pretty hard and for a while but I was finally able to settle him down and get him back to sleep, so I thought. I went back to getting my stuff done for the next day and sure enough, he started screaming again. Now at this point many of you would have probably already been thinking ear infection but my kids don't get ear infections hardly ever (I think we have had 5 total in almost 6 years among all 4 of them). And when they have actually gotten one, I have always found out at a check up appointment or something because they have never fussed about them. So this was breaking new ground for me and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. I guess it was around 2am or so that I finally noticed him pulling on one ear and ask him if his ear hurt and of course he said yes. So, in spite of the fact that Chris and I had just paid off our biggest lump of debt in one week and had next to NO money (Satan loves to set us back when we are taking steps of faith right!), I headed off to the ER with our sweet boy to try and help him feel better. The doctor and nurse were great, he had what they call impacted ear wax next to an infected each which was making it hurt even worse, so they cleaned both ears out and gave him perscriptions and sent us on our way. I stoped to get meds and got home around 5am, just to have to shower and load the car to leave for the garage sale at 6:15am. WOW, how did we do lock-ins when we were kids...oh wait, we slept 'till 2pm when we got home! I didn't get to do that neadless to say so I think I'm still trying to catch up! Praise the Lord our God is faithful and He not only helped Cade get better and gave me energy to survive the next several days but he also provided the money (from the garage sale if nothing else!) to cover the ER trip and meds when we didn't think we had it! It's so cool to me how God showed us once again how He knows everything way ahead of time and works things out in ways we could not have ever planned on our own...i.e. the very weekend we were having our garage sale to make some 'extra' (at least that's what we thought it would be) money to help pay off our last bit of debt, we ended up needing it for this ER trip because we payed off our debt earlier than planned. God knew we would need that money to cover that extra expense and He made a way for us to get it! Isn't our God awsome!!!
This was not too long after we got there...we didn't even get home until almost 5am!
In spite of being sick and screaming a bunch that night he was still just as precious as ever!!!
This is the position he stayed in while the doctor cleaned out his ears, he never even opened his eyes he was so worn out by then, poor little guy!


Matt and Meredith said...

Poor guy. So cute. Glad you took him to the E.R. Sounds pretty bad.

Lauren said...

Ahhhhh! I recognize that blankie! How sweet...but poor little guy that's never any fun