Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh!...did you know that hole goes all the way through?!?

That would be the first thing I said to our pre-school director, Pam Nichols, after they handed Callen to me after bringing him from his class at VBX (Vacation Bible Extreme) and told me he had bit his lip a little. A LITTLE? Not so much. :-) I can smile and laugh about it now but at the time it was the furthest from funny. One of his teachers is a nurse practitioner and she had looked at it and said he would be fine but I'm pretty sure the reason she didn't realize it went all the way through is because Callen didn't want her to look at it, he wanted Mommy! So once he was in my lap and let me wipe it off good (because his mouth was full of blood and chin covered), I noticed that it was open in the front as well as inside. My gut (meaning I fealt this way but kept it inside, thus hidden from Callen) reaction was 'Oh my word, his lip is never going to be the same!' Of course within seconds when I came back down to reality and really got control of my momentary whigging out, I thought 'we will for sure have to have this glued (with dermabond) shut because he is SOOOO active he will surely continue to open this up. I continued to wind down though for another couple minutes and decided to just watch him for a bit and was reminded of what my mom (a former nurse) has always told me...'if you can get the bleading to stop and it sits shut then it should be fine'. Whithin 20 minutes we had the bleading stopped and it was not open on the outside at all...not to mention he was runnin around playing like it never happened, of course! So I decided to just let it heal on it's own. It's not a huge gash but it's about the width of your little pinkie nail on the inside and out, so not tiny either! So that was almost our 4th trip with him to the ER...Sweet child is just active, has no fear and loves to have fun...actually, I think a chair got pulled out from underneath him this time and he hit the table in front of him but again, things happen. I praise the Lord that it was not worse!!!


dee Clayton said...

Always an adventure with Callen-- I hope it is healing well.... doesn't surprise me he was up and going again quickly after the accident--

Janelle and Ella said...

Oh, poor baby!! I'm glad y'all didn't have to go back to the ER. You are a smart mommy!

Lauren said...

Okay maybe I'm gross but I read this and my first thought was "what no picture?" Haha I'm glad he's alright!