Sunday, February 8, 2009

His Strength In Our Weekness!

So I posted a couple of days ago about the minor problems I've been having with several different joints over the past 7 months or so. Well, this morning our pastor, Ross Sawyers, said something in the sermon that struck me as if it was said just for me. God has been working on my heart relentlessly since Cohen was born and I've known that. He has been showing me that He HAS given me more than I can handle...on my own that is. I can only handle all this when I rely on Him every step of the way. It's with His strength that I can wake up each morning and face the day with a positive attitude. When my focus is off of Him though, it's the opposite and I'm miserable. A feeling of failure prevales when I rely on myself. So back to what Ross said. The series is on spiritual warfare (War is actually the title of the series) and we have been going through the pieces of armor we are to put on. This week was the shoes. We are to shod our feet with the Gospel of Peace. When we do, we are bound to Him, settled and ready to move with confidence. When we don't, Satan attacks us all he can, mainly in three ways: our assurance in Christ, compromising the truth and fear. Fear was the big one that Ross was saying gets to him if his focus gets off. His main fears are of death (not where he is going but just the unknown of what it will look like) and that his health is going to get worse. He said he had to actually admit to God that he does not like the verse II Corinthians 12:9. The verse talks about God's power being made perfect in our weekness. Not fun if we really think about it. It hit me like a ton of bricks, not in a bad way, just in a revelation kind of way. God is making this task of raising four precious boys even more impossible for me to do without Him by allowing these joint problems. I'm a do it yourself kind of girl, going all the time. Health has never stopped me (and I'm not saying it is now, it's just a tad bit in the way). I used to think that we could over spiritualize things but after hearing the first sermon or two in this series, I think I've changed my mind. We live in a world that is one big battleground, it's all around us. Why not take the little things that set up back a bit or seem like bumps in the road and take them as warning signs that maybe we need to dig a little deeper in the Word and pray a little more throughout the day. Can we do those two things too much? I think not. So, I'm going to do my best and embrace my weekness (joint problems) and pray that through this God's strength can shine through!

1 comment:

Rebecca Gay said...

Just wanted you to know you were being prayed for. I always look to your blog to remind me that, if you can handle things SO GRACEFULLY with 4, I can certainly do it with 2...I just have to remember to keep asking for lots of patience & GRACE!!! You are one of my "Mom Heroes." Love you girl!