Saturday, August 15, 2009

All I want for my Birthday is to lose my two front teeth!

I knew it was about that time! Corbin has a couple of friends who have just recently lost a tooth so I knew that any day now we would find a loose one. We've been talking about it almost daily but he hasn't said anything to me. Well, tonight while I was brushing his teeth I was telling him that I was just sure that any day now we would find a loose tooth. Then after we finished I asked him to open up so I could feel the bottom teeth and just see. I almost jumped when I grabbed the bottom right tooth because it moved immediately...and a bunch! We both started laughing as I almost screemed out of excitement that he already has one and it could come out any time! Then, after getting all of that on video and showing Daddy I asked him to let me see one more time. Much to my surprise, the bottom left center is a bit loose as well. TWO!! I can't believe he is just growing up so fast! He did start getting his teeth at 4mo. old so this isn't early. How fun, we may be snagletooth for our first day of Kindergarten...which by the way is September 1st with Mrs. Jenny (I got to meet her today and Corbin is going to LOVE her!). My baby is growing up...such a bittersweet experience!

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