Thursday, March 26, 2009

Filled With The Spirit.

So as many of you can imagine, there are many days that I feel like I am just running on fumes. I have definately felt like I am getting into a more normal routine with 4 boys, but there seems to just be so much potential for things to get thrown off, quickly and drastically many times. So, the question would be, what do I do about this, Lord? Well, I love how faithful He is to send us little (well, actually big) lessons along the way, just when we need them! This has been one of those weeks when I have REALLY needed one, and again, He is faithful!!! I was reading a devotional this morning about Ephesians 5:18. A lot of it I had read before but as I got about 2/3 of the way through it, BAM, He hit me! John tells us in chapter 7 that "out of his inermost being will flow rivers of living water". It went on to say that is the strengthening within us that is sufficiant for any situation! I love it how God reminded me with one small verse that it is not me raising these 4 sweet boys on my own, I could NEVER do that! It is Him within me and giving me strength, moment by moment! Prayer without ceasing, I believe, is dipping from that living well within us that He has placed there for us to dip into. I also loved this prayer that the devotional ended with, something I think I'll memorize, along with the scriptures to go with it!

"Father, I pray that You will teach me to draw upon the well of water within, to know that every demand made upon me is a demand made upon You, and that you are prepared, ready, to live Your life through me in every situation and thus manifest Your grace."

How awsome is that, to know that He is alive in me, ready to face every situation I face, and give me the grace and strength I need to face it. Father, I pray you give me the strength to BELIEVE this and have faith in You that You WILL do this for me daily!

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