Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Prayers Coveted!!!

I don't want to sound desperate but in some ways I feel that way a bit right now. This week Chris and I have an incredible opportunity to be a part of our church's worship team's live cd/dvd recording. I am confident that it is going to turn out to be a powerful tool for worship and possibly even sharing the Gospel with people who do not know our Lord and Savior!...catch is, we have rehearsals every night this week, till all hours of the night. We were there tonight from 5:30PM to 10:50PM. Needless to say, two of them cried hysterically almost all the way home. And this was just the first night, just the beginning. We would so appreciate prayers for us as we journey through this week in faith that we are being a part of a bigger picture that God has for us, but as it is also very hard to put our sweet children through such a long week of being in childcare. The recording by the way is this Saturday and Sunday so when I mean all week, I mean ALL week. Pray Chris and I would be able to make the most of the time we do have as a family and that we would all be able to get as much rest as possible. Thank you for being our prayer wariors this week!

1 comment:

Janelle and Ella said...

Kara, I will be praying!! I think I might be able to come to this. Is there going to be childcare?