Saturday, August 15, 2009

My new Teaching Job/Ministry

All last year Chris and I have really been praying about where we were to put Corbin into Kindergarten. The public elementary school, Granger (that is just 2 minutes from our house where he would go if we put him in public school), is wonderful! The principle is a believer and just 2 years ago when they opened the school they had 1000's of teachers apply to teach there so they were able to hire the cream of the crop! We have a few friends who have kids there and they all rant and rave over it. All that said, I just didn't have a peace about it. At least not for this year. Corbin has never been able to go to a pre-school of any sort so I really felt strongly that going from nothing to all day 5 day kindergarten was going to be rough! Beyond that, it has been a very strong desire of mine that he would be able to go to a private school. Problem is, they are SOOOOOO expensive out here, that was NOT going to be an option. As for homeschooling, I used to think I was going to do that in the early elementary years. Then I had 4 boys in 4 1/2 years and began to feel beyond overwhelmed by the everyday task that were before me each day. I'm sure with God's strength and if it really was His will for me I could do it. Problem is, I didn't have a peace about that either. Then one day it hit me...why not get a job at a Christian pre-school that has a kindergarten as well and all 4 boys could go with me. I have multiple friends who work at different schools so I began asking around and gathering information. One other problem I knew I would run into was that many of these schools still make you pay for 1/2 of the tuition for each child. These schools are not cheep so that was going to be expensive as well. Then I found out that there were two schools, Stars Acadamy at Abundant Life Church in Grapevine and Sonshine Academy at First Baptist Colleyville, that payed for all of the tuition for your kids to come and even payed you on top of that. WOOOOOOW is what I was thinking. So I began praying and applying and trusting God that He would help Chris and I to make the right decision. Over a month and a half passed without hearing anything and I began to get really nervous. Then one week I found out Stars wanted me to work in their Summer Camp program and that Sonshine wanted me to be a 3yr. old teacher starting in the Fall. WooHoo!!!!! So all summer long we went to Stars summer camp, same days and times that school will be in the fall, which really helped to prepare both the boys and I for the fall. It's so cool how the Lord worked that out!

So this weekend we had our Teacher's Training Retreat. It was say the least. We are all going to be so prepared! I love that because then all of the kids will get the best! All of the teachers are wonderful!! I am teaching in the 3yr old department...there are 5 3 yr. old classes with 2 teachers in each and our director and we really do have such an awsome group of women! I could not be more excited about the opportunity to teach with all of them! This school is so nice...3 indoor playgrounds, 2 outdoor playgrounds, huge lunchroom, large music room, classrooms galore as decked out with toys and learning objects as you can imagine and 4 resource/supply rooms (not closets but rooms!!). The boys were able to go up there one day this week with me and they didn't want to leave, they had so much fun and are so stinkin' excited. The cool thing is, Corbin and I will get the best of both worlds...he will go to a private kindergarten two days a week and then I will homeschool him the other 3. Even greater thing is that they are writing my curriculum!!! I'm not having to do that myself. Love that!

Lastly, I had a nice surprise as well this morning. They did a drawing to give away a parent/Child conference at Pine Cove this Fall and I won!!! I've never won anything that big and am so exicited about getting to take Corbin to that and have our relationship as mother and son grow in Christ!!!

So, I could not be more exicted about my new teaching job!!! Please be in prayer with me as we adjust to the new schedule and schoolwork! I truly do feel that God led us to this school! One year down (as far as deciding where to go) and 17 to go. Thanks so much everyone!!!


Lori said...

I'm so pumped that you'll be at Sonshine this year!!!

Rach said...


I tried to look up info on Sonshine online and I couldn't find anything about their Preschool. Is it full-time? Hudson hasn't really been loving his school so I thought maybe I'd look into Sonshine. Do you mind shooting me an email? He would be in the 3 year old class. My email is Thanks!!