Friday, February 6, 2009

Goals for a New Year...

So, every year we all think of things we would like to work on, change, get better at, master, get rid of, stop doing, etc., right!? Well, here are some things that I've thought of over the last month that I'd like to try and work on/do over/throughout the year 2009. You can keep me accountable! :-)

1) walk one mile at least 5 times a week (pulling the boys in the wagon behind me of course!)
2) cook home cooked meals at least 6 times a week (healthier ones than last year as well)
3) sweep my floor every night so it doesn't look like a bomb went off every morning!
4) never yell at my boys!
5) do at least one load of laundry a day.
6) memorize a verse of scripture a week.
7) go on one date a week with my husband.
8) pay for everything in cash, updating our budget weekly
9) spend quality, individual time with each of the boys daily
10) home school Cobin in Kindergaten this Fall

oh wait a minute...just kidding! If I did all these things (and the list could go on!!!), I would be super mom...AND I"M NOT!!! :-) Let's try this for the real list.

1) Chris and I are doing a Dave Ramsey budget, getting out of debt as fast as we can!
2) Chris and I are going to have a date night once a month, kid free, no matter what!(one month down already!)
3) make more memories with my family and worry about the cleaning less (it will always be there but they won't stay kids forever!), in my husbands words..."I'm gonna walk through this year instead of sprint!"
4) Spend more time in the Word than last year.
5) Pour into others more than into myself!!!

Hopefully those things are more realistic. I pray God will give me the grace I need to give others, the strength I need to make it through each day, and a humble, loving spirit before all I come in contact with this year!

1 comment:

Jill said...

WHAT???????!!!!!! Homeschool Corbin?? Please tell me you're serious, and you are not toying with my emotions. I really want to do this with Grayson, so I would love to learn from you.